Marbury v. Madison (1803) changed the role of the Supreme Court forever. The case started as a conflict of delivering court commissions, but ended as a precedent for the Supreme Court. During the case Marshall ruled that Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789—authorizing the Supreme Court to issue writs to government officials—was unconstitutional. This began the practice declaring laws that …show more content…
During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army was in desperate need of supplies. However, when they asked the states for supplies and money they provided no help. The pressing need for a powerful federal government to supply the army made Marshall desire a strong central government. These events influenced John Marshall in all of his rulings; thus further spreading federalism in America. Federalism played a role in cases like Fletcher v. Peck (1809) and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819). In McCulloch v. Maryland, when Maryland tried to tax the federal bank the court ruled that Maryland had no right. Marshall stated that “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” In Fletcher v. Peck the Supreme Court ruled that no state can retract a private or public land contract. Both of these cases limited the power of state governments and strengthened the federal