Title: Lord of the Flies
Author: William Golding
Date of Publication: 1954
Genre: Adventure; allegory; social criticism
Historical information about the period of publications:
When this novel was published in 1954, it was about 9 years after World War II had ended. Therefore, during this period of time, Americans were getting used to the times after the war, which had increases in industries and population. When the boys crash into the island in a plane evacuating them from Britain, they are in the midst of a nuclear war during World War II.
Biographical information about the author:
William Golding was born in Cornwall, England in 1911. Golding graduated …show more content…
This genre can be described as an extended metaphor, where different objects in the book are symbolic representations of different ideas that are mainly focused on criticism of society. This novel can be also described as an adventure; the boys in the island have an adventure by exploring different parts of the island. However, this adventure that the boys experience has a deeper or subtle meaning, which ties into the fact that this novel is also an …show more content…
Roger also bullied the little ones back when the boys only had one society.
Adjectives: brutal, sadistic
The setting of Lord of the Flies is a deserted tropical island in the South Pacific during a war. The exact time period is unknown, some cite it as the near future others as World War II. Other specific places on the island include the beach by the lagoon, which acts as the boys’ home. The mountain was were the boys think the “Beast” is and where the boys light their fires. Castle Rock is where Jack runs his hunting tribe. There is also the jungle where boys constantly deal with “creepers” and where Simon sees the “Lord of the Flies.”
Conch Shell : The first symbol we see in Lord of the Flies is the conch shell, which stands for order and civility. The shell allows for the boys to convene and at their meetings only the boy holding the shell is allowed to speak. As the island civilization deteriorates, the conch shell loses its influence and the boys fall victim to savagery. In the end, the boulder that kills Piggy also crushes the conch shell, signifying the end of any order and civility on the