Trudeau’s Just Society
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Canada’s 15th prime minister, has always dreamed of Canada becoming a united society. This idea was announced and introduced after his candidacy in 1968. He described his idea of a Just Society as one that : “one in which all of our people will have the means and the motivation to participate, in which personal and political freedom will be more securely ensured than it has ever been in the past, in which the rights of minorities will be safe from the whims of intolerant majorities, in which those regions and groups which have not fully shared in the country’s affluence will be given a better opportunity.”[1]
Trudeau wanted Canada to become a united society that is independent from Britain and the
U.S.A[2] The term ‘Just Society was used in 1968 during ‘Trudeaumania’ . The ‘Just Society’
Trudeau dreamed of was also a country that will be bicultural because of its justice toward society. A society with justice means that every individual will have freedom, but they will also have responsibilities. Justice also gives people rights that must not be abused. In order to assure equality among citizens, people should help protect those in society who are vulnerable to subjection or prejudice.[3] Trudeau was an efficient prime minister who greatly changed Canada and turned it into a ‘Just Society’ Trudeau, unlike the previous prime ministers who made minimal attempts to make Canada an independent country from Britain and the U.S, applied many changes that allowed Canada to be independent. To begin, one of Trudeau’s contributions to Canada was in 1976 when Trudeau successfully allowed Canada to be a part of G7, a group of seven major economic powers[4]. This was Canada’s own choice and did not require Britain’s approval in order to join. Moreover, in 1982 Trudeau passed a bill called Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This was a huge step for
Bibliography: * WORDS: WOE & WONDER * Statement on the introduction of the Official Languages Bill, October 17, 1968 * Official Statement by the Prime Minister, “The Just Society”, June 10, 1968 Towards a Just Society A Literacy and Human Rights Educational Resource Reader, 81-82 * John English, Citizen Of The World : The Life Of Pierre Elliot Trudeau Volume One: 1919 – 1968 (Vintage Canada Edition, 2007) * John English, Just Watch Me : The Life Of Pierre Elliot Trudeau 1968-2000 (Alfred A ----------------------- [1] Official Statement by the Prime Minister, “The Just Society”, June 10, 1968 (accessed December 8, 2010) [2] ibid [3] Towards a Just Society A Literacy and Human Rights Educational Resource Reader, 81-82;topic=363.0;attach=182(accessed December 8, 2010) [4] Pierre Elliot Trudeau (accessed December 8, 2010) [5] Pierre Trudeau (accessed December 8 2010) [8] Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Philosopher and Prime Minister (accessed December 8, 2010) [9] Constitution Act 1982 (accessed December 8 2010)