In the past few years, nowadays from the widely spread and use of computers and cyber wold, making friends online has been increasingly popular. As a result, the issue of building friendship with cyber friends has aroused people’s interest and doubt.
A as a number of young people, especially college students, are in favour of making friends online in the modern world. While a good many parents and educational experts and listen to their children and care for their worries. In the modern world of today people who have no so much confidents and are shy prefer to make friends through internet because he or she won’t have to talk to someone in person. Teenagers are making friends
Today on social networks and they don't know who is actually behind the screen nowadays many people say that they are people of their age and they aren't they are just old people who are dangerous people.When people add friend they just add people they get to know from under people do to this they don't really know the person character.
Their are the dad thing about make friends online is that if u made friends with your Friends you and get to know a bite better never bother to meet them u just speak with them cat with them and see then on a web-came all by the application Skype due to this today people are becoming to lazy but today some young teenagers are getting bullied some people can bully people they are just to scream to the prefer doing on chat.The good is that if you would like to have a five minutes conversation with your friend and she is online but she can't meet up with you and see face to face you can just Skype or chat with her on a social network
Today in the modern world not like the past people find it much quicker and faster to make new friend online . This is very popular especially by the younger generation .