Why is malaria dangerous?
Malaria in humans is caused by many types of parasites but the most dangerous and the one that causes 90% of deaths around the world from malaria is plasmodium falciparum. This parasite is the most dangerous one because it affects the behavior of the red blood cells, Red blood cells get infected by the parasite and become sticky and it becomes impossible to pass through our body organs so they get stuck. This can result to further complications. When this happens inside the brain, it results to coma or even death. (Q&A)
How do people in Nigeria try to prevent malaria?
There isn’t any cure for malaria yet, it can only be prevented
In my own opinion, I think malaria could be prevented by distributing treated bed nets, treating water drinking it, avoiding stagnant water.
Malaria prevention is crucial as malaria can be fatal. Prevention is better than cure and involves killing the mosquitos and also repelling them. Prophylactic drugs; Several drugs, most of which are used for treatment of malaria, can be taken preventively. Generally, these drugs are taken daily or weekly, at a lower dose than would be used for treatment of a person who had actually contracted the disease. Use of prophylactic drugs is seldom practical for full time residents of malaria-endemic areas.
Prevention of malaria involves protecting yourself against mosquito bites and taking ant malarial medicines. But public health officials strongly recommend that children and pregnant women avoid going to areas where malaria is common. (WebMD) Malaria is a
Bibliography: author, No. Stop Malaria Now! Nil Nil 2008. 21 November 2012 <http://www.stopmalarianow.org>. nil. Netdoctor. nil nil nil. 01 november 2012 <http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/malaria.htm>. Nil. The Lagos State- Malaria Control Program. Nil Nil 2012. 22 November 2012 <http://www.lagosstateministryofhealth.com/programme_info.php?programme_id=6>. WebMD. 20 April 2011. 31 October 2012 <http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/malaria-prevention>.