Malaysia Plan is the implementation of development programs / projects of the Government of Malaysia to be implemented within the next five years. This five-year plan are relics from the time of British rule in Malaya after the Second World War.
Five-year plan beginning with the First Malaya Plan, from 1956 to 1960 and followed the Second Malaya Plan from 1961 to 1965. After the formation of Malaysia in 1963, this five-year plan known as Malaysia Plan where the First Malaysia Plan started in 1966 to 1970. The difference is that planning for development under the Ninth Malaysia Plan covering the states of Sabah and Sarawak states other than West Malayisa was.
First Malaya Plan: 1956 - 1960
First Malaysia Plan target is to increase economic growth by increasing per capita income and standard of living. More emphasis was given to rural communities with low income such as providing and improving basic amenities in rural areas as well as diversify agricultural output.
In line with this, the government has plans Red Book (RED Book) which stands for Rural Economic Development. Red Book aims to collect and maintain information for planning development projects and social infrastructure in the area and placed in the operations room in each district. Red Book is also used to monitor the implementation of the program / project implementation progress of the project and manually updated.
Second Malaya Plan: 1961 - 1965
Second Malaya Plan goal is to increase economic growth and standard of living through economic diversification and the development of other rubber products
First Malaysia Plan: 1966 - 1970
First Malaysia Plan is a development plan which covers the states of the Malay Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak aims to foster integration among the people of all the states in Malaysia as well as to increase economic growth and welfare of the people.
Second Malaysia Plan: 1971 - 1975 of the New Economic Policy
New Economic