Professor Davina Warden
English 105
12 October 2013
Building up to10,000 Hours Can you name a skill of yours that you can confidently say you have been able to master at? Now think this, how long did it take you to be skillful at it? Author Malcolm Gladwell introduces his theory of the 10,000 hour rule in his book, Outliers the Story of Success. In the chapter “The 10,000-Hour Rule, he introduces his theory that shows how 10,000 hours is the amount of practice time it takes a person to be extremely skillful at something, a theory that shows how 10,000 hour rule is the amount of practice time it takes a person to be extremely skillfull at something. He is able to successfully prove this theory by researching evidence and giving …show more content…
I have seen multiple opportunities in people life’s that have contributed to their success. I believe if people have the desire and heart to put them in this much hard work they will be able to skillful at it. Athletes have proved this theory to be true. A soccer player named Sergi Robert, from Barcelona, Spain has been one of many athletes that can prove Gladwell’s theory to be accurate. Since he was little boy he would always be watching soccer games and every opportunity he had to play with the much older soccer players he took it. Gladwell’s emphasizes how successful people have opportunities that sadly some don’t. Sergi Roberto started playing for a club named F.C Barcelona for younger kids. In a matter a time his opportunity to play at a young age with this club helped him move on to be with the more skillful soccer players. Eventually all those brutal soccer practices and games gave him the opportunity to practice. Now at the age of twenty one he plays for the team A soccer club Barcelona F.C one of the best soccer teams in the world. The 10,000 hour rule and he joining at the right time allowed Sergi Roberto to become successful soccer