The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley
Malcolm X had a hard life. He struggled with coexitsting with whites all
of his life. He had many trials and tribulations during his time which
formed his opinions of races and equality between races. He was taught
his earlier opinions by his learning experiences and what he experienced
growing up. As he got older he developed a different sense of what
racism was and began to form his own leadership with many followers.
While a great deal of whites thought he was too outspoken and racist
himself, he just wanted to show the world through his own experiences
what equality is and he hoped to help the nation overcome the boundaries
that separated the whites from the blacks. He came to realize at the end
of his time that not all whites were racist and that there were many who
were set out to accomplish the same goal as he was, equality for all
regaurdless of race.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X 3
Malcolm X who was born Malcolm Little was raised in a home
with his mother and father and siblings. His father was a Babtist
minister and was also involved with the UNIA. He was a outspoken
man who was proud of his race. His willingness to stand up for
his rights as a black man contributed to his murder. Malcolm
believes his father had been brainwashed by the whites because he favored Malcolm more than the other children because he was light
skinned. His mother felt differently about him. She believed that
her grandfather who was a white man had raped her grandmother
and she was ashamed of the white blood running through her, she was
also light skinned but favored her children who were darker and
taught them to be proud of their black heritage, even moreso than
her husband. Malcolm and his family were the victims of the Klu