adjective use in descriptions
Marie De Peuter Prof. A. Housen Canigia Mestdagh English Linguistics III 2012-2013
Table of contents
0. Introduction
1. Theoretical background
1.1 Previous studies
1.2 Explaining language differences between the sexes
1.3 Gender differences in vocabulary use
1.4 Types of adjectives
2. Research
2.1 Data
2.2 Method
2.3 Results
3. Conclusion
4. References
5. Appendix
0. Introduction
A few years ago, my father went to a wedding. When he came home my mother asked him what the bride, and more specifically her dress, looked like. “It was white.” he said. When telling this story my mother always gets annoyed at dad’s inability to provide a detailed description of the dress whereas my father feels he got the most important detail right. After all “It was white, wasn’t it?”. Even though they disagree on many subjects when talking about the language of the opposite sex, men and women tend to agree that they do not always understand each other. The frequent occurrence of clichés such as ‘women say no when they mean yes’ seems to support this, e.g. the cartoon in the following picture.
Consequently, a lot of studies have been conducted regarding the differences in language use between men and women. From Jespersen’s (1928) unfunded observations through Lakoff’s (1973) deficit approach, Spencer’s (1980) dominance approach to Tannen’s (1996) difference approach.
This paper will try to investigate how men and women use adjectives in descriptions. Intuitively, one could say that women will describe colours more precisely and pay more attention to details whilst men use more basic
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