As woman artist Pauline Boty says, 'women's bodies are regulated by the normative culture of masculine privilege and authority'1. Are we really still living in a world where men can control women bodies, how they look and how they should act? Where women are objects and not treated as the intelligent, flexible people that they really are?
We question if much has really changed as a whole for women and the way they are, and have been, looked at by men. It seems as if the male gaze is still an aggressive and prominent part of our culture and media today and something that still has a heavy impact on women.
In this presentation I will be discussing various artist's and writer's views on the male gaze and present my own ideas on the subject as well.
'To be born a …show more content…
Berger also uses the notion of the 'surveyor and the surveyed'2– the surveyor being the male watching the female, or the female watching herself through the male's eyes, whereas the surveyed is the female, being watched by the male. The notion of 'the surveyor and the surveyed' sounds quite aggressive, almost as if the man is a predatory animal and the woman his prey, being watched, aware of what he wants to do with/to