I have learned a lot from this assignment, it has shown me how much society has grown from its past views. However, we can also see how much we still need to advance in other areas. Men and women have always been said to be completely different. However, this assignment has shown me that both genders deal with many similar issues. Both men and women have high expectations that society placed on us through the media. Growing up we are unconsciously receiving rules and expectations on how we need to act, speak, and look. Both men and women are told to act and feel a certain way. Jack Katz allowed to see how much men are hindered by these unsaid rules.
Watching Jack Katz film, Tough Guise, taught me so much of what men have to struggle with every day. It made me empathetic to men that have grown in this “Boys don’t cry” society, because they are prohibited to freely express themselves. It must be so hard for men to not be able to be who they are without others calling them degrading names. This has taught me not to judge men who can’t express themselves …show more content…
The media has allowed others to expect that all women must have a perfect body. Young girls are seeing these messages and trying to mold themselves into these bodies. After this assignment, I was able to reflect how the media’s portrayal affects women’s self-esteem. We strive for unreachable expectations that aren’t real. They cause harm to a young girl’s self-image. I was also able to realize that ads and popular songs objectify women in a disgusting manner. It is upsetting to realize how many young girls listen and see these types of ads and songs. It is horrible that so many people are actually taking these fake images into consideration and striving for that type of body. By watching these films and applying them to real life examples, it has allowed me to understand that these issues are greater than we