Simon explains this …show more content…
She provided various opinions of an author, the local community, government officials, parents, and a universal law professor. Incorporating multiple sources allowed for a stronger writing. The strength of her writing comes from just that, the many sources. Another part of her article which strengthens her writing is that her gathered evidence include both sides of the case. For example, pro-Boomer, a UCLA law professor shares their opinion, while against Boomer, the local community’s opinions were also shared going against Boomer. Simon’s writing has included sources for both sides. The problem with a weak explanation is not present in her article because both sides are presented.
The explanation presented in the article is well done. Simon provided many opinions from different sources that strengthen her writing. A casual tone allowed civil rights advocates to ease into her explanation. But the article could be strengthened even further. If Simon provided more reliable evidence for both sides, instead of the opinions of many locals, then it would have been an even better