and I Agreed with U.S Supreme Court because they said that “Incident” and subject to fines and other disciplinary action”. All the supporting for my thesis will be cover after this paragraph.
One of the examples that I don’t agree because first of all we are talking about the one of the most popular tools of media, which is television or radio.
All kind of ages using these tools to hear or see or learn new things. “Children and Kids” is the most concern one. Television or radio impacts these kids daily lives because they can hear profanity from the broadcast. Furthermore, the children will try to use these obscene words to other people, and they will use it more and more to their daily lives. My point is these kids or children don’t fully understand these obscene words and they don’t know these words are bad.
The other example of obscene and profane language that can be found in the radio or television is Lyrics within the songs, especially Hip-Hop song. Based on my research Hip-Hop song is one of the genres that use many bad and obscene words. Beside that Hip Hop has been really famous among these kids (Teenagers), commonly the lyric from this type of music is usually goes around sex, drugs and mostly cussing words, I think it’s dangerous and bad towards teenagers. They use the cussing word such as the f-word and s-word to greet or interact with their friends since they think these words are cool and
In addition, I fully agreed with FCC because they want prevent the moral decline in the national culture. I think FCC really serious with obscene, indecent or profane programming. We should be strict with this issue, because it will effect the upcoming generation. If we allow all “incident” or “unplanned” going on the early generation will learn these words, it will become a habit for them and they will use these “words” to become their normal words. The world will become worst.
We know that TV program is a live performance. We can’t predict what will happen in that live performance. As we see in “Golden Globe statement Controversy”, According to said that when Christian Bale acceptance speech going on he said “… I just told him that he’s the S---,” I believe that “The Golden Globe” itself did not plan and expect that such incident on purpose as it was a live performance. But I Think Federal Communication Commission or FCC done right on the censorship on the profanity by giving fines (Up to $325,000) and penalties to the broadcast on Television or radio that contains obscene words or describe sexual or excretory (offensive way).
That concludes that Profanity in media is very extremely dangerous for people in a young age and teenagers because al of these incident will be stick and absorbed by them and at the end they will try to used these words in their lives and it will be hard for the parents to change them back in terms of teaching them that’s a bad words.