Abstract Managing student loans can be or could become difficult. You never know when something unexpected is going to happen. You can’t be prepared for everything (like losing or being laid off of a job), but you should try to be prepared for some things. Having an emergency fund will help you, by not having to use what you have been saving to repay your student loans. Student loans can get very expensive, but there are many options to reducing the amount you borrow. On the other hand, some individuals may think about borrowing more than needed for other expenses or for things needed for school. One thing you definitely want to avoid is delinquency and default on your student loans. There are options to help avoid this and can make your payments more manageable. There are so many options available to you in managing student loans.
Manageable Student Loans After creating an educational financial plan, I found that my estimated monthly repayment would be $532 each month. That is with me not saving any money for it now. When I find a job, all of my income will go towards saving to repay my student loan. The path that I’m going to take to fund my education is to first find a job, so that I can start saving. I have started living on a budget, and only spend money on things I need. Building up an emergency fund, by doing this I won’t have to use money that I have saved for school. Working on paying off all of my debts, this will allow me to save more money for repaying my student loans. The choices students have to reduce the amount they borrow are grants, financial aid, scholarships, employer tuition benefits, military benefits, veteran’s education assistance, monetary gifts, and increasing the monthly personal contribution. Some of these options don’t require you to pay them back. Your employer may help you pay for your education. They can also team up with UOP to pursue your higher education goals at a reduced
References: http://www.phoenix.edu/tuition_and_financial_options/tuition_and_fees.html?v4=FinancialPlanFP101 http://wps.pearsoncustom.com/wps/media/objects/7558/7740063/Videos/0904.mov