As a senior in high school you most likely know if you want to go to college. What you don’t know is how much debt you are going to be in years after you graduate from college. Low income students receive some type of aid, but it is not enough. Colleges tell you that they will pay for your education if you …show more content…
Students that are in debt can't get loans for other items. Debts affects their credit and they aren't able to buy homes. Students are drowning in debt and they live a lower life because they can't afford other things due to the debt. Many students have little money left to themselves and their families so they are unable to provide.
How do you avoid college debt? There are certain thing you can do to avoid college debt and dropping out or changing your major. For example, making sure your debt doesn't exceed the amount you will be making your first year after you graduate. Saving as much money as you can before and during college. Applying for as many scholarships as you can. Community college is always a great option because tuition rates aren't as high. Considering a work-study option to help pay for expenses or save money.
College debt is real, it affects the majority, a majority of the students that attend college. Colleges should be helping students avoid debt instead of putting them there. If college is really needed for better jobs and to get ahead students need something to insure that they won't be in debt for their rest of their lives. Students need a clear understanding before entering college of the huge debt they are going to be in if they don't have enough aid to help