College has been a controversial spotlight topic in the media as of late, largely amongst the millennial population; this is because of the immense amounts of student debt that Americans are facing, with “$1.26 trillion in total U.S student loan debt and 44.2 million Americans with student loan debt” (“U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2017”). If you were to divide that accumulated debt amongst the 44.2 million, each person would be left …show more content…
Liz Addison, a student at Southern Maine Community College, reminds that community college is not only cheaper, but can offer a gateway into the world of college and provide a stepping stone for those just starting out, calling it “America’s hidden public service gem” (Addison). For those from low-income families or who generally cannot afford university, they “would never breathe the college experience if it were not for the community college” (Addison). This makes it a fantastic option for anyone who needs