The greatest issue in society today is that college students begin to realize that they are in debt once they finish school. Nobody has been able to prevent this issue and college debt continues to increase. Students are facing consequences due to the fact that they are thinking ahead. They just decide to get a loan in which they don’t realize all the money that they are going to need to pay back.
The first solution is to start off by attending an in state or community college. In state and community colleges are …show more content…
Scholarships can help out a student attend college without having to deal with any kind of debt. Applying for scholarships can easily be done online in which it doesn’t take much time to complete. A person wanting to get an education can benefit and doesn’t lose anything in applying. Students can apply for any amounts of scholarships. “ It’s worth it to apply for every opportunity, even the ones that are small and may not be a lot to you. If you get $500 scholarship, that’s $500 you didn’t have before,” (Gormus 12). Scholarships are beneficial to students no matter how low the quantity is. This might be a common solution to others, but it has the following weakness. Most students don’t know the process of applying and end up not doing it at all. “... You should never have to pay a fee for scholarship searches. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is,” (Top 10).There are many scams out there that do nothing but harm those wanting to get some back up for