Paying for community college can be a handful for some. While many can pay for college with financial aid, however a many students argue that they can’t afford to pay off tuition or the cost of books and material because it’s too expensive and they don’t attend community college. This is a serious issue for many people that want to earn a degree in a particular majors. Obama promotes the idea that community college should be free to attend and take class without the burden of paying for tuition or the overwhelming cost that students fear. With that statement gain more of an outcry of students agreeing on the idea and many others opposing of it. In the article by Joanne Jacobs, “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea,” she discusses that there are pros and cons to both arguments.
From personal experiences, many people can concur that colleges is expensive and even after earning a degree can leave a person in debt for a long period of time. Although, financial aid such as grants, loans and scholarships are given to those; many of which, doesn’t apply to everyone. Most of the time, people with unfortunate backgrounds such as low income students have their community college pay off, but a handful of people don’t …show more content…
If Community college were free, high schools can encourage their students to apply to community college after they graduate since it’s free and they can gain advantage in doing so. Benefiting from free college, students would be able to do more activities and gain from more experiences at college. “Proposal say it would mostly help families that earn too much for their children to quality for Pells.” Students will be able to enroll into 4 year universities more easily. Students were feel more relaxed knew that they don’t have to pay for overwhelming expenses and they can focus on their