Robin Wilson states that students who get student loans, go to college, and graduate are better off than the ones who don’t go to college at all. Especially the ones who end up with high paying jobs. In her article “A lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely.” She talks about students who attend college and take out student loans. A great student can be one that ends up in the most debt, and a not so great student could be one that doesn’t have to pay back as much. It all depends on how wise you are with money. Wilson talks about how students take out more than they need, they spend the money on unnecessary things such as clothes or video games, these students will be the ones that will spend the rest of their lives paying back their loans. About eight percent of american students borrow at least double the national average, these students are borrowing more than they need. Some students choose defer their student loan payments, one of the major problems with this is the interest rates will go up, therefore, putting the student farther and farther into debt.…