adding or take on a massive amount of debt will not get their degree and drop out of college (1136). If Dwyer is right and they drop out of school without their degree than they will have to find a job in a different way, but they will still have to pay for their loans. Their loans do not go away because they drop out, they still have to pay for them and they won’t have as many job opportunities either. They will be starting from the beginning but with the debt they should have finished with. The smart thing to do would have been to limit their spending and only taken out a small loan. However, how will a student know that they should only take out a small loan if they were never taught about finances? Elliott, talks about whether student loans are worth it, writes, “A college education should offer to all graduate’s similar opportunities to achieve financial success in the long run. High student debt loads may impede some students from reaching this goal, creating differential costs for graduates’ balance sheets that weaken the ability of education to act as an equalizer” (31). If students take out more debt than they will be paid from their future career than they will never be able to pay it off, that is why they must be careful with their money and carefully choose whether they should take out any loans.
adding or take on a massive amount of debt will not get their degree and drop out of college (1136). If Dwyer is right and they drop out of school without their degree than they will have to find a job in a different way, but they will still have to pay for their loans. Their loans do not go away because they drop out, they still have to pay for them and they won’t have as many job opportunities either. They will be starting from the beginning but with the debt they should have finished with. The smart thing to do would have been to limit their spending and only taken out a small loan. However, how will a student know that they should only take out a small loan if they were never taught about finances? Elliott, talks about whether student loans are worth it, writes, “A college education should offer to all graduate’s similar opportunities to achieve financial success in the long run. High student debt loads may impede some students from reaching this goal, creating differential costs for graduates’ balance sheets that weaken the ability of education to act as an equalizer” (31). If students take out more debt than they will be paid from their future career than they will never be able to pay it off, that is why they must be careful with their money and carefully choose whether they should take out any loans.