RGF 0014: Fundamental of Business and Management
BGF 0053: Introduction to Management
MGT 0004: Business and Management
Date: 28 February 2014
Submission: 6 March 2014
Answer ALL questions. The completed assignment should be TEN (10) pages long, using one inch (normal) margins, 12 pt. fonts, Times New Roman and single spacing. This study is worth a total of 10%.
Topic 1: Chapter 1 – Understanding the Role of Business Environment
Individual Exercise
1 Why may there be fear amongst employees when firms such as General Accident and Commercial Union make an announcement that they are merging?
2 Downsizing means ‘shedding’ employees from an organization.
(a) What are the main reasons for companies downsizing?
(b) Provide examples of companies who have made a decision to downsize their organisation.
3 Downsizing often leads to “de-layering”. What is meant by the expression “delayering”?
4 List 4 external factors that can affect business activity.
5 In July 1988 the UK banned the use of cattle carcasses in the preparation of cattle feed, and in foods for human consumption. Scottish farmers have been experiencing economic hardship because of the BSE crisis. In a brief report explain:
(a) The internal and external factors which have contributed to the farmers’ situation.
(b) How farmers have reacted to the situation.
1 Factors that may affect businesses include - size, technology, market and product. Write a brief explanation of each of the terms to show you understand what they mean.
2 Explain the difference between the public and private sector of business. Compare them in terms of:
· ownership and control
· competition
· motives
· finance
3 Explain the difference between an Executive and a Non-executive director.
4 Explain the following terms:
(a) hierarchy
(b) span of control
(c) chain of command
(d) flat structure