Management by objectives (MBO) is a system whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance. Four major activities make MBO successful. MBO is result oriented. Emphasize the accomplishment rather than input. Encourage the participation at all level of organization that means collaborative, shared power and self management. A process consisting of a series of interdependent and interrelated steps
• the formation of clear, concise statement of objectives
• the formation of realistic action plans for their attainment.
• the systematic monitoring and measuring of performance and achievement.
• the taking of necessary corrective action to achieve the planned results.
MBO is a system that seeks to align employees' objectives with the organization's goals.
Four basic principle o Unity of management decision is more likely to occur when there is a pursuit of a common objective. o The greater the focus on the result on the time scale. The greater the liken hoods of achieving them. o The greater the participation in setting the meaningful work with accountable results. The greater the motivation for completing it. o Progress can only be measurable in term of what one is trying to make progress toward.
Using Management by Objectives with your team offers several benefits.
First, MBO ensures that team members are clear about their work and how it benefits the whole organization. It's easy to see why this type of managing makes sense: when the individual parts of an organization work well together, the whole operates smoothly and efficiently. By focusing on what you're trying to achieve, you can quickly distinguish between tasks that you must complete, and those that may not be worth your time.
Implemented on a team level, MBO can be seen in many of the key techniques needed for effective team