FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT (ISLAMIC POINT OF VIEW) The Islamic way of doing or managing things can be seen to practice the elements or functions of management, that is: ☃ Planning / objectives / goals ☃ Organizing ☃ Leading (motivation) ☃ Controlling (execution)
PLANNING (SETTING OBJECTIVES) According to Tan Sri Dr Mohammed Abdul Rauf in his book, management and administration (An Islamic Perspective), planning is needed to manage, especially in the fast moving, ever changing and complex environment we are living in to ensure success.
Our prophet Mohammmed s.a.w in many incidents that he had gone through practiced planning. One of the prominent ones is seen in his carefully planned actions and moves to preach the faith of Islamic to the world. He had two choices whether to do it publicly or to do it cautiously. He choose to do it secretly at first since the people of Mecca at that time especially the Quraisysh tribe did not hold the same values the Islamic faith was bringing that human equality, justice, and sympathy for the weak. Therefore our prophet Mohammed s.a.w chose to preach Islamic secretly and quietly at first to his