1. Organisational Purpose, Function and Structure 3
1.1. Organisation structure of Sunshine management 3
1.2. Characteristics of Sunshine organisation 5
1.3. Business functions in Sunshine management 7
1.4. Business processes in Sunshine management 9
1.5. Business objectives of information system application for Sunshine 11
2. Information Systems: Solution and Improvement 14
2.1. Links of IS application 14
2.1. (i) Comparison and contrast of the uses of ERP, SCM and CRM information systems (IS) 14 2.1. (i) (a) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 14 2.1. (i) (b) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 15 2.1. (i) (c) Supply Chain Management (SCM) 17
2.1. (ii) HMS features 19
2.2. IS elements and advantages 21
2.3. Sustainable competitive advantages of IS in hotel industry 23
2.4. ERP to Sunshine management 26
2.5. CRM to Sunshine management 27
2.6. SCM to Sunshine management 28
2.7. Recommendation 29
References 30
1. Organisational Purpose, Function and Structure 2.1. Organisation structure of Sunshine management
The organizational structure is a formal pattern of interaction and coordination in an organization that is laid out by the top management to link task of individuals and groups in achieving organizational goals (Daft, 2010). Sunshine Hotel follows a divisional structure, in which departments are grouped according to similarities of product, service or market. It is also referred to as a program structure. Each division has its individual functions to peruse its own goals without depending on other divisions.
There are different types of divisional structures. A few of them are geographical divisional structure, product divisional structure, customer divisional structure and many more.
There are several advantages and draw backs of a divisional structure. The structure works well in most organizations as it focuses on either a single product or service, or in the case of Sunshine Hotels each
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