Planning is about defining goals, establishing strategies and developing plans to coordinate activities (Robbins and Coulter, 2009). Aaker (2001) said that planning is an essential role in making decision by reduces uncertainty within process, setting a standardized way of work which able to minimize waste of time, money and product. Moreover, it serves as a foundation to making a successful company, along with proper organizing, leading, and controlling activities. Without the existence of planning, a company will eventually lose focus and got lost in every attempt that it does, rendering it ineffective in reaching its established vision. The absence of proper planning will also cause the company to work inefficiently (Mason, 2007).
Rothman (2010) stated that a project management consists of two methods: Strategic and Tactical. Strategic is about deciding what to do, what we need, who to hire and when the timeline is. While tactical is about how to implement the plan and make a decision based on day-to-day operational system. By applying this method, the organization should know whether there is any progress or problem which enables them to conduct a demo, review, and even remove obstacles for the team. This is supported by Rabinovich and Rosenschein (2004), who said that these two methods are like a loop. A given strategy or planning needs to be provided with tactical (=implementation) support and evaluation of process.
Nevertheless many companies still ignore the importance of planning. A lack in business planning is one of the many reasons why companies collapse halfway through in their process (Bickerdyke et al, 2000). Casie Stengel, a manager of baseball team once said “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up somewhere else”. Therefore, this essay will present
References: Aaker, David A. (2001), Developing Business Strategies, Wiley, Canada. Bickerdyke, I., Lattimore R. and Madge, A. (2000), "Business failure and change: an Australian perspective", Productivity Commission Staff Research Paper, AusInfo, Canberra. Cleland, D.I. and Ireland, L.R. (2002), Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation; 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York. Kerzner, H. (1992), Project Management: A system approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling; 4th edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Rabinovich, Z. and Rosesnchein, J.S. (2004), "The Workshop on Agent Tracking: Modeling Other Agents from Observations", 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent System, New York. Robbins, S.p.and Coulter, M. (2009), Management, Pearson, New Jersey. Sorkin, D.E. (1994), "Running an effective meeting", Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 82, p. 685. Zeytinoglu, I.U., Lilevik, W., Seaton M.B. and Moruz, J.(2004), "Part-time and casual work in retail trade: stress and other factor affecting the workplace", Journal of Industial Relations, Vol. 59 No.3, pp.35-53. Gaw, B. (2008), “Strategic planning: strategic and tactical planning”, Online Article, > [accessed on 28th September 2010] Gupta, D Mason, Moya K. (2007), “What Causes Small Businesses to Prosper?”. Online article, > [accessed on 28th September 2010] Rothman, J