Assessment 2: Report
Report on Organisation Structure at Valve Software
Prepared by:
Due Date:
Monday 5th August, 2013 (11.59pm Qld Time)
1. Introduction & Purpose of Report 1
2. Problem Identification
2.1 Reporting and Organisation Structure
2.2 Analysis
3. Recruitment Process
4. Performance Reviews & Mentoring
5. Recommendations
6. Conclusion
7. Reference List
Organisation Structure at Valve Software
1. Introduction and purpose of the report
Valve Software, the makers of such quality gaming classics as Half Life, Portal and Counter Strike have ruffled feathers in the technology industry for their unorthodox approach to their organisational structure.
The Washington based company has about 300 employees and has opted to shun the traditional organisational structure of managers and direct reporting for a more ‘flat’ and ‘organic’ structure where employees don’t directly report to a superior or manager. Valve believes that this more liberal company structure allows the company to reduce/remove barriers between its employees and their customers (Valve Case Study, 2013). Additionally, Valve does not recruit employees by traditional interview means, preferring to rely on word of mouth and peer appraisals as its means of hiring.
Valve admits to weaknesses in its structure: mentoring and orienting new employees amongst others (Valve Case Study, 2013). The purpose of this report is to more closely examine Valve’s organisational structure, management structure and the company’s culture to identify areas of improvement and make recommendations about how to implement a more effective management structure.
2. Problem Identification
Valve’s flat organisation structure has made it a successful software company and a desirable place for