Some would define management as an art, while others would define it as a science. "Management is not an exact science, but rather is a mix of art, scientific methodology, intuition, investigation, and most of all, experimentation" (Miller &
Vaughan, 2001, Winter). "Management is not static. It is evolving, as are people who manage and are managed."
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Management is necessary for several reasons. Two of the reasons are: a desired result must be established, and someone must be delegated, or assume the authority to obtain, organize, guide, and direct those resources toward the desired result Someone must 'manage ' the entire process. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Management theory is important because it is the study of how to make all the people in you organization more productive. If you are self employed and have others working for you or you out-source certain jobs you are unable to do, then you know how hard it is to find qualified, competent professionals to provide you a service or work for you. You want to maximize labor productivity and learning how to manage people is the key .. The key to business management is to maximize productivity. However, while management theory does aim towards getting a group of entities to achieve a certain goal, it does not necessary achieve in making people more productive towards this cause. Below is a document which presents the taxonomy (the practice and science of cfassification ) of ten management theories. The Management Theory Taxonomy contains the name of the Theorist/Author, the Theory, and the significance/concept of the theory. Even though many of these theories were created and developed many years, they can still be applied today.
Theorist/Author Theory Mary Parker Organizations as Follett Communities
References: Schermerhorn, J. R. (2010). Management (10th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sond. http://www.valuebasedmanagement.netfmethodsalderfefer.ergtheory.htm 1 http://www.valuebasedmanagement.netlmethodsvroomexpectancytheory.htm 1 http://www.valuebasedmanagement.netlmethodssengefivedisciplines.htm 1 http://www.valuebasedmanagement.netlmethodscontingencytheory.htm 1