Personal Learning Paper
This paper is a summary of my understanding of how ethics has helped base my belief system on a personal level as well as in the workplace as a professional. The learning process is perpetual and the recent class on Managerial ethics has given me new insightson how I can still hold onto my own values while remaining respectful to those whovalue different ethical perspectives.Ethics can be defined as a philosophical study of moral values based on the concept of right and wrong. An ethical perspective could be considered as a person’s individual perception of moral values, beliefs, and rules based on his or her personal view of rightand wrong.
My perspective on Ethics
Ethics are a very important aspect of the success of an individual or a company.There are many decisions within a company that managers must base around thecompany’s ethical standards. Ethics are not only a guideline to employee and employer behavior, but also the company’s behavior as a whole. Possessing good, strong ethics willhelp a company attract and keep customers. Without ethics, there would be no way for a person to judge right from wrong, which is why it is important to have a good sense of personal ethics awareness.My ethical perspective is obligation or deontology-one that is centered on a feeling asthough I have an obligation to do what is right. When judging whether or not a person’sactions are ethical or not, I tend to base my decisions on the intent of the person’s actionsand not the actual outcome,In order for a person with the obligation perspective to agree with a person or company’sethics, the ethics set in place should be suitable in every situation, respectful toeveryone’s character, and promoting of every individual’s freedom and independence.With an obligatory perspective, a person believes that everyone deserves respect and theright to make their own decisions.
A few more ethical perspectives encountered in our