Characteristics of employment relations in China are now diverging across different ownership forms, industrial sectors and groups of workers. Due to the poor representation by unions as well as employer’s associations, employment relations in China are shaped largely between the employer and workers, with the majority of workers having little bargaining power. The role of state is crucial in shaping employment relations through the enactment of laws and regulations. However, employers seem to find ways to bypass legal constraints and workers tolerate unlawful employment practices for fear of job losses.To some extent, the employment relations are influenced by the Chinese traditional culture that emphasises social cohesion and stresses the importance of social values over individual interests, cooperation over conflict and trust over power.
During its process of economic reform, the development of the labour market has undergone three stages. The first one is the highly regulatedlabour market during the state planned economy period. The second period of deregulation was between the 1980s and the early 2000s.The third period began in 2007, in which the government sought to re-regulate the labour market to provide greater employment protection to workers.
Unions do not have much power and are generally ineffective in representing worker interests. The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)