June 16, 2013
Colney and Pitts is a pharmaceutical company that is located in California. Colney and Pitts are planning to set up a manufacturing plant near the Aberdares mountain range in the eastern highlands of Kenya. Their main purpose is to use this facility to manufacture medications for prostate cancer. Located in the Aberdares Mountain is a native tribe called The Kikuyu. After much research and extensive surveying of the area, it was determined that a type of evergreen tree known as “pygeum” or prunus Africana, is used by the tribes people to cure what they refer to as “old men’s disease”. We would commonly know this as prostatitis and genitourinary disorders. “The species has been over-exploited and is becoming rare in most areas” (Nonjinge, 2006). After putting together a plan of what they want to accomplish, Colney and Pitts have budgeted $250,000 to start developmental activities in the region. However, they estimate that the amount of money that can be made by selling the prunus Africana over the counter, will estimate about 220 million dollars a year. I would like to believe that the major stakeholder in this situation would be the Kikuyu Trive, the ICEBR (International Center for Ethno Botanical Research) and Kasey Quintero from Eco Smiles. Colney and Pitts are geared to make an estimated 220 million dollars plus per year once the production of the prunus Africana, is to commence. However, despite the large profit they are to make, they are only willing to give $250,000 back to The Kikuyu tribe, for the developmental activities in the area. This to me seems a bit unfair and unreasonable considering what they are gaining vs what they are taking from the tribe and their land. Colney and Pitts are more concerned with padding their pockets, rather than look out for the Kikuyu tribe, and how these events will affect them and the surrounding environment over the years to follow. To top it
References: Fieser, J. (2009). Business Ethics. Retrieved from Nonjinge, S. (2006). Prunus Africana. Retrieved from