Community Environmental Issue
Nancy DeVan
July 21, 2013 I chose to write about a report in my community over polluting our fresh water sources. Many unknown people in the community are dumping their trash into our waters here in Caldwell County, North Carolina. This issue show’s that there are several people who just do not care about our fresh water sources, many say well it has to ran through filters and chemicals need to be added before it ever reaches us. This is an environment sustainability issue because it is putting unnecessary pollutants into our drinking water. Just because this water has to be filtered and chemicals added does not justify throwing your trash into the water. I feel that if our community would think about what they are doing and see the bad effects of their actions things may not be this way, for example maybe if people would keep their trash where it belongs our water may not have to have so many chemicals added just to make it safe to drink. The decisions made by ignorance effects my whole communities drinking water and at what cost? Our health good be improved if things like this would not occur because I am pretty sure the amount of chemicals being added must be having effects on our health just as well. The people who are trashing our waters are causing us all bad problems simply because they want to be childish. We cannot even go swimming at our National Parks because people leave it so trashed and pollute the water to where it has ruined it all for the ones who do respect the beauty of it. The biggest problem with all of this pollution and ignorance is the wildlife involved, it is not like they can just get in a car and go somewhere else to live. It sickens me to see people pollute and just have no remorse for the other living creatures around. Just the other day I had to rescue a bird that got tangled in some sort of string someone left behind but, what if I had not been there? The bird could have been badly injured or even worse. We now have regulations in place but, they are only good if your caught and nine times out of ten the culprit is never caught red handed. I have even helped pass out flyers and post things begging people to be more considerate of nature and others who respect it but, some people you just cannot get them to listen and it is destroying our natural areas and our drinking water sources. The issues have been regulated before but with no response or care and now we have went as far as no one is allowed to be near the water and if caught will go to jail. I hate it has come to this but we must do our best to preserve nature and it’s beauty. There are several groups who are trying to say it is wrong of city council to take away swimming and camping rights and yes I agree with it for the ones who respect things but, on the other hand we must keep the trash out of our waters as it affects people, plants, animals, and our own drinking water. The only solutions that have helped is keeping people away from the water and it is a sad thing for many but a life or death situation for many other living things. Maybe one day these restrictions can be lifted but I truly believe that will fail to happen because the warnings were there and were completely ignored. I just wish they would stop and think they are polluting their own families when the trash the waters but, apparently they just do not care so, we must keep these regulations in place until people can grow up and take care of things the way they are meant to be took care of. So pretty much if you want to get into some water you better buy a pool and even then I am sure someone will do something to mess that up too. I think that the world needs more education on their consequences.