Description: Submit a report addressing the three sub-tasks outlined below.
1. 1. The first sub-task requires you to critically review a set of scholarly literature on the effects of personality and emotion on individual behavior and performance at work.
2. 2. The second sub-task requires you to analyze your own effectiveness at work using appropriate diagnostics of personality and emotional competencies as well as an evaluation of your actual behaviors.
3. 3. The third sub-task requires you to identify specific strategies for developing your workplace effectiveness taking account of your personality characteristics and your emotional competencies and explaining how these will result in improvements in your performance.
Note: The analysis and argument in your report should be supported by scholarly references to relevant publications. You are encouraged to consult original rather than secondary sources. Your reference list must contain only those publications you have consulted directly. When you refer to a publication that you have read about in a secondary source (e.g., textbook), list in your references only the secondary source. That is, cite that secondary publication in your report using the format: “(Mintzberg 1975, cited in Robbins 2003)”.
Word length: 1,500 words maximum (not counting executive summary, table of contents, list of references or appendices).
Weighting: 30%
Assessment Criteria:
• Quality of critical review of the effects of personality and emotion on behavior and performance in the workplace (Sub-task 1).
• Quality of analysis of your own effectiveness at work using appropriate diagnostics of personality and emotional competencies as well as an evaluation of your actual behaviors (Sub-task 2).
• Appropriateness of specific strategies for developing your workplace effectiveness taking account of your personality characteristics and