Managing the Four Layers of Diversity
Using Diversity in the Workplace Managing diversity requires an understanding for the differences in all organizational members as individuals. The attitudes and perceptions must reflect training and respect for each person and lack of stereotypes as the leading idea of what the individual adds to the company. “Organizations must first learn to value culture as we associate often from social circles, backgrounds, or cultures, making the need for quality our first objective” (Easy in Organizations 2009). Managers must encourage and reprimand based on actual occurrences and work productivity rather than the differences in the four layers of diversity, personality and internal, external and organizational dimensions we possess that make up the diversity (Kinicki, A and Kreitner, R. 98). Diversity by definition is the “multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people” (Kinicki, A and Kreitner, R. 97) Diversity is what makes each of us unique. It is the reason some of us are qualified for certain jobs and some of us aren’t. Diversity is not about only about the common included facors like race, color, gender and ethnicity. The diversity umbrella also houses different attributes to our uniqueness such as work experience, personal habits, income and appearance (Kinicki, A and Kreitner, R. 98). Managers must use these differences to encourage diversity in the workplace. Interviewers should not hire because of the diversity, but because of the actual qualifications of the interviewees. They must however recognize what the distinction contributes to the company. We as managers must also encourage other employers to recognize and respect what every person’s diversity gives. This will remove the feelings that women and minorities are reaching glass ceilings in the work place. The glass ceiling refers to the lack of ability for women and minorities to advance to top management positions
References: Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills & best practices (customized 4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 9780073381411.
Easy in Organizations (2009). Diversity Climate in Organizations. Retrieved from