Managing the Transition: Taking and Handing over the Stick
Micah Amukobole, CORAT Associate Consultant.
Transition from one leader or manager to the next, if handled well, reveals the strategic planning and maturity of an organisation. It provides an opportunity for reflection and renewal. If handled poorly, it can compromise a board, make a new leader’s job more difficult and alienate the staff and stakeholders. Mature organisations and mature leadership are characterised by smooth transitions.
The planning for the CEO transition gives a board an opportunity to prepare a graceful and honourable exit, a smooth transition, for the outgoing while ensuring a forward-looking, positive entry for the incoming new leader. Yet many boards do not have systems and guidelines to facilitate a transition process.
While it may be up to the CEO to develop individuals with leadership potential as part of a formal succession management process, handing over the reins to a new leader is a delicate balancing act. This potentially sensitive process has received far less attention than succession planning, yet is equally important for the continuity of an organisation mission and strategy. Smooth leadership transition gives credit to the board for good governance.
Transitioning into a new management position requires an intricate balancing act for the smooth integration of the new staff. It is daunting and intimidating for the new staff, often it determines welcome into the family of the organisation. When order is maintained the new leader is inspired and motivated to join the organisation with its culture. This paper seeks to make some suggestions, if applied, will make the transition period run more smoothly thus reducing the stressful anxiety that comes with a new job leave alone a new organisation.
When the Board approves the appointment of any staff, especially a new executive, a letter of offer
Bibliography: 1. Bergholz, Harvey, 2006, CEO Transitions: How to Smooth the Process. 2. Bridges, William, 1991, Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, Addison-Wesley Publisher, Reading. 4. Collins, James, Porras, Jerry, and Collins, Harper, 1994, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, NYC. 6. Hinden, Denice, R., Tebbe, Don, Managing Executive Leadership Transitions in Nonprofits: Field-Tested Advice to Turn Leadership Change into a Pivotal Opportunity Journal article, The Public Manager, Vol. 32, 2003. 8. Schein, Edgar H., Bass, Jossey, 1997, Organizational Culture and Leadership, Publishers, San Francisco, 2ND Edition.