Global Human Resource Management
Spring 2012
Overview of SUN Microsystems Inc.
Sun Microsystems I nc. (SUN) provided companies with complete information technology (IT) solutions that included hardware, software, storage and services. One of Sun ’ s competitive strategies had been to form global teams in order to provide excellent and prompt support to its client at any hour of the day.
Greg James is the global manager of SUN located in Santa Clara, USA. H e leads a global team of
45 people composed of members in France, India, the UAE and the US. James ’ team serves Sun’ s enterprise customers in Asia and Europe.
1. Situational Analysis
James’ s team faced a big challenge where one of their account, HS Holding has a problem of their entire system went down for two hours. It was a disaster for their online banking business. H S
Holding support team had contracted SUN for support but nobody engaged their needs . They were dissatisfied with their customer services and expected prompt response from SUN. H ence, they are seeking a $300K service contract money return to them and threatening a lawsuit because SUN violated their service contract. Through this incident, James realized there are many issues existed among his global teams.
2. Organization and HRM challenges
Being a multinational enterprise (MNE) has to face many challenges, just like James ’ team at
SUN, they are now facing a challenge in people management . Managing a global team, they need to have a good system or procedures to guide the ir teams in different countries with upda te information.
2.1 Key Issues in existing teams
2.1.1 India
James conduct ed weekly conference calls with his entire team of 45 which beg in at 08:00
Pacific Standard Time. Problems arise for teams in India. Refer to the case, Ashok, the Indian manager told James that his team felt as if they were second-class citizens