Your first presentation will be a 4-5 minute narrative; a story of some kind which you will tell. This may be your own personal story or it may be about someone you know. You may use Power Point or not.
What kind of narrative?
The main point is that you are talking about yourself. That is, your thoughts, feelings, ideas, views, opinions and events are the leading ladies in this special public speaking speech writing process. The primary goal of this type of informative public speaking is constructing a true or fictional story about yourself and make a point. That point can be a personal past or present experience, event, knowledge, a memorable person you have met or a moral lesson. Explore and reflect on your values and build up to a climax at the end of the narrative speech story.
1. A good place to start is with a memorable moment, situation, setting or scene. Try to catch it in one phrase: On Independence Day I ... and then a verb. E.g. On Independence Day, I think, I want, I'm going, I was, I stated, and so on. After the verb, you can fill in every experience you want to share.
2. An incident in the previous 10 years or in your childhood that illustrates who you are.
3. The story behind a personal photograph or video.
4. Highlight a few of your typical behavior or characteristics.
5. Something you absolutely dislike or hate.
6. An exciting, interesting, inspiring, or funny experience or event that changed your life.
7. An important lesson you learned from someone you admire. This is a very classical narrative speech topic.
8. The moment in your life you see the light, or that was very insightful.
9. A fable or myth that has a moral lesson you try to live to.
10. The relation between a brief series of important milestones in your life that mould your character is also a catchy narrative speech topic. NARRATIVE TOPICS
NARRATIVE SPEECH TOPICS ABOUT EVENTS - An accident or positive event that changed my