Corruption is found in both public and private organizations and everyone starting from the clerk to the Managing Director of a company is corrupt in a way or the other. The clerk takes small bribes from the people who visit the office so that their work is finished early than the others who are waiting in a queue.
Parents offer bribes in schools and colleges to get their child admitted. There is no institution, no organization which is not corrupt in a way or the other.
But the question that arises is that can an anti-corruption movement be started and if yes, shall it be successful.
“Corruption, is a kind of allurement, psychologically encourage the human being to do or not to do anything in order to make personal gains whether in kind, cash or otherwise.”
Corruption is a global phenomenon, found in one shape or the other whether the country is a democratic, kingship, Socialist or Communist, developing or a developed. Hardly a country is free from the clutches of the devil of corruption. The subject of corruption figures in every international summit, as almost all the countries have fallen under its grip.
A recent World Bank survey reveals that the corruption as on date, involves those responsible for making laws, responsible to execute the policies and laws of the nation that means the politicians, bureaucrats are mostly involved involved in corruption. The survey points out that "Corruption is the most infallible symptom of constitutional and administrative liberty."
"Corruption undermined investment and economic growth and deepened the extent of poverty"
It is assigned that with progress and advancement, corruption is inevitable and permissible, that it is found every where even in the developed countries and that one should first mind only the