
Mankind Is No Island

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Mankind Is No Island
Mankind is No Island

The collection of Still Images
Not a lot of dialogue
Montage of images – together they make an image
The words shown are from signs, street signs and shop signs etc.

What makes this film visual
What is specifically visual about it
What makes the video shape my perspective of the situation
What is the purpose of the video being made? - To be more aware of the homeless

There is a lack of giving to the homeless
The homeless are taken for granted
The homeless are ignored by society
It is filmed in the city because it demonstrates advertising and also emphasizes consumerism. Used to contradict or to challenge what they are to present in the cities.
The homeless are destitute and deprived from the necessities of life.

Soft dramatic piano music is used
The music sets the tone. It also makes the audience depressed and feel guilty.
Camera angles are placed in the same level as the homeless. This is used to place the audience in the homeless peoples situation and position. By doing this, the audience feels the hardships, the sadness and the uselessness as the homeless have also felt.
Repetition of the images of the homeless being ignored
Rhetorical Questions are also used to make the audience feel depressed and reflect on their guilt.
RQ's are also used to make audience reflect
Repetitions of RQ's
Religious images
Repetition of “NO”
Close up of the Homeless Face – Shows their facial expressions. Also indicates their sadness and their depression. Shows their rugged appearance. Take away the homeless identity and places the audience to look at them face to face as humans. Demonstrates how old they look. Also supports that being homeless ages you. The homeless have literally been forced to live a life of desperation. The homeless have no choices.
The fact that two of the largest cities are used symbolises and supports the idea that homeless people are not found in a particular place, but are

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