But, before all this there was one unchanging variable: my hometown. It was all I knew and all I thought I would know. In Marble Falls, everyone was content with who they were in the community. There was no pressure to impress anyone or be somebody that you weren’t. This attitude created an overwhelming sense of comfort and security. My biggest worries were often as petty as beating my brothers in rounds of “Mario Kart” or getting the game winning strikeout in front yard baseball. Sure, the first thing that comes to mind is that I was living in a bubble, and yes, I was definitely living in a bubble, but I lived truly loving every minute of life. However, I was young and naïve and like my ancient ancestors, I failed to realize there was another side to the world.
Living in Austin was the first big change in my life, and in the same way that my surroundings changed; my thinking changed. Before moving to Austin, I didn’t understand my own significance. I viewed myself as being just another piece to a community that was far more important than I would ever be. However, once this community was gone, my true personality became