And so, I have Always attributed my successes in education to Montessori, beginning from the very start when I was placed immediately into “Gifted and Talented” programs in First Grade, and that superiority carried all the way through to a double major in Business from the Honor’s College.
I always had a deep appreciation for the foundation I developed at Montessori, and knew I would have never been so successful in my schooling; after dealing with the death of my mother and then a new stepmother forced upon me, had it not been for those critical years of development, which I accredit to
Montessori. And this is why, I knew it was imperative to send my children to a Montessori school, no matter what it took, believing the benefits would pay forward tenfold, as it did for me. Now, my girls are attending Bridges Montessori, in Stuart, and I took one step onto the campus and it is was like a light shined down; almost like it was my mother twinkling in the sky, showing me, Finally, after 32 years of never knowing a definite path to follow, This Is It! This is where I belong! What a magical and perfect campus and environment for children to absorb all of Maria Montessori’s tools that allow them to lead themselves on their own individual path and also gain a sense of belonging to nature‘s gifts. They are able to understand and appreciate that They are an Important part of this wonderful planet and how important it is that each of us must do our part to keep it sacred. So, that being said, I am here to follow the path that has finally been shown to me and make a difference in children’s lives, they may have not had the opportunity to gain, had it not be for Maria Montessori.