“A sex symbol becomes a thing. I hate being a thing” – Marilyn Monroe Norma Jeane Mortenson later known as Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. She had a very tough childhood, she spent most of it in foster homes and in orphanage. In 1937 a family friend and her husband, Grace and Doc Goddard, took care of Monroe for a few years. They were paid $25 weekly by Monroe`s mother to raise her. The family was deeply religious and followed fundamentalist beliefs; among other prohibited activities (A&E Television Networks, 2016). Monroe was not allowed to go to the movie theatre. In 1942 Doc`s job got transferred and the couple could not afford to bring Monroe with them. Monroe returned back …show more content…
Which can bring down your self-esteem and you will keep comparing your body to everyone else’s. According to Dove`s Self-Esteem Campaign, globally 6 out of 10 girls are so concerned with the way they look, they avoid participating in a range of activities. Beauty related anxiety is a big problem, and is now being recognized as an important issue by young people all around the world. Australian girls say that body image is one of their top three worries in life. 1 in 3 six-year-olds in Japan experiences low body confidence. 81% of 10-year-old girls in the U.S. are afraid of being fat. In addition, more than 110,000 girls in Brazil underwent cosmetic surgery in 2009. They are unrealistic images of beauty, genetically impossible for many of us to emulate. Yet we are told that these unattainable bodies are normal, desirable, and achievable. When we don’t measure up we develop a strong sense of dissatisfaction and the way that manifests can be ugly. Intolerance of body diversity has a lot to do with prejudice of size and shape in our culture. Being thin toned and muscular has become associated with the hard working, successful, popular, beautiful, strong, and the disciplined. Being fat is associated with the lazy, ugly, weak, and lacking in will power. With this prejudice, fat isn’t a …show more content…
Men saw her as a sex symbol, only for her looks and her body. The media influences our choices and how we think about ourselves and we are always comparing ourselves to others and trying to be like them. Which is doing more harm than good. Over the years, women have been mistreated and we are now taking we are heading in the right direction for gender equality. Media is going to become even more popular than it already is, in the future which may increase the number of people comparing there selves and feeling self-conscious. We can help others and ourselves by picking one thing about yourself that you happy or proud off! For example, I really life how I can stay calm in stressful situations. By doing this once or twice a day, you are picking things about yourself that you like, which will make you happier with yourself and your body! Over time you won`t be comparing yourself with anyone and will learn to love