1. Which bottle did you select?
A: I selected to use Bottle 1.
2. Refer to your plotted points on the map. What are the names of the major surface currents your bottle followed?
A: The bottle followed Northern Brazil, Caribbean, South Equatorial and Chile current.
3. Based on your knowledge of ocean currents, where did your bottle originate?
A: the bottle originated in North Equatorial current.
4. Is it possible your bottle could have followed different currents? If so, what were the other possibilities? Predict where your bottle would have landed had it followed those currents.
A: The only place that I can see it would have landed would be in Brazil.
Reflection Questions:
What kinds of factors could hinder the forward progress of a message in a bottle in an ocean current? What factors could aid the movement?
A: Factors that could hind the movement would be extreme weather patterns. Things that would aid it I would say could be anything from change in temperature to the wake from a cargo ship going by. It could be a plethora of factors.
In the lesson, you learned about a debris convergence zone, or “garbage patch,” that can form in the center of the Pacific Ocean. How is the formation of this patch related to ocean currents?
Where else in the world’s oceans are garbage patches likely to form?
A: These patches form from currents brining debris together into one place. Another place in the world where a garbage patch could form would in any of the main gyres so the west pacific, the east pacific, south pacific, indian, south and north Atlantic.
Hundreds of millions of years ago, all the continents on Earth were connected to form a giant
“supercontinent” called Pangaea. How might ocean currents have differed during the time of
Pangaea compared to today? Explain your answer.
A: Well when all these continents were connected together the oceans looked different. So you could not have a North Atlantic and a South Pacific. So this would mean the currents