Marine Protected Areas have been realized as a useful tool for the protection of marine eco system and biodiversity all over the world. These Marine Protected areas MPAs limit human activity in the conservation regions in order to protect biodiversity and exploited species. Hence they have a direct effect on recreational activities like fishing, bait collection, diver collection etc. The present study has used secondary data from all ready conducted researches on the subject matter and has addressed a lot of questions like the effect of MPAs on recreational activities with focus on temperate waters, the advantages and disadvantages of these MPAs on recreational activities. The Different ways that Recreation fishing can be compatible with MPAs. In this study, it is also found that there is the possibility that catch and release angling can be compatible with no take marine protected areas MPAs, provided that there is no ecological effect among species. Also, it is suggested that training of anglers, their education should be done in order to make the Catch and release angling compatible with MPAs. From the management perspective, there is a need for identification of benchmarks of success of MPAs. Also, there is a strong need to study characteristics of different species under different MPAs and regions, while formulating strategies. Public opinion and community participation are also important for the acceptability and growth of MPAs. Management of these MPAs must understand the Social Impact assessment while formulating strategies and objectives of MPAs.
First of all I would like to thank my supervisor..... , without whose attention and guidance, the present paper could not have been completed. I would also like to thanks my lovely parents & friends for their sincere support and help in times I needed it the most.
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