Antony’s speech has major significance on how he is able to relate and be meaningful to the crowd of confused citizens is the reason on how Antony won over and eventually convinced them that the conspirators were traitors and should be punished. This changes the plot drastically because right after Brutus stepped off and left he reassured the rest of the conspirators that Mark Antony would not destroy them or go against their will. After the speech that all changes as now the conspirators are marked for death for the sole reason of avenging the great Caesar. This forces a battle between Antony and the two leading conspirators Brutus and Cassius in Philippi. That is an important part of the plot because eventually that is where Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius where they both had to take their own lives. All of that could’ve been avoided if Brutus denied Antony a chance to speak to the crowd after the death of …show more content…
First Octavius Caesar was affected in a positive way because he fought alongside Antony in the war which both of them won. Also Octavius becomes the next heir to the Throne of Rome after the war too. A Character that was affected negatively to the extreme was Brutus. Brutus before they carried out the murder of Caesar chose not to kill Antony because he didn’t believe he was capable of destroying him or any other conspirator. But after Brutus makes a huge mistake allowing Antony to speak to the people of Rome after Caesar’s death. This lead to a war between him and Antony where he ended up taking his own life. However this speech truly shows how Antony felt about Caesar’s death and how loyal he was to Caesar. He became an entirely new person after the death of Caesar, a tyrant the conspirators feared Caesar would’ve became. Antony brings to light the theme of death in his speech. He does this by starting out talking and mourning over Caesar’s murder, but then alludes to the justice him and the people of Rome are required to carry out for the crime of Caesar’s death as well. Ultimately his speech is what leads to the deaths of Brutus and