Ethos are well used by both Brutus and Antony, they use these so that they can get people to think and get an image in their head of how good people they are. Brutus shows Ethos by saying, "Believe me for mine honor, and have respect to mine honor that you may believe." (III:ii:14-15). When he says this he is saying that he has honor and the people should believe him and they should have great respect for someone with such honor as him. When Antony talks he shows it as a different point. Antony says, "He was my friends, faithful just …show more content…
to me." (III:ii:83). Antony says that and gets the same thing done as Brutus did by getting the people to think they are trustable and will not lie or trick them.
The emotion throughout the speeches are strong and bring pity for themselves and the death Caesar. Brutus and Antony gives the audience the feeling that they both feel sad that Caesar has passed and that it was the right thing to do, though it may not be truthful. When Brutus is talking he is making points to the people like he is saying here, "Had you rather Caesar were living and all die as slaves, than that Caesar was dead to live all free men?" (III:ii:22-23). The people are quick to realize and join Brutus' side and start to agree with him from there. Antony doesn't like how Brutus murdered Caesar and Antony comes up with something cleaver to make the other people be on his side. Antony says, "For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel. Judge, O you Gods, how dearly Caesar loved him." (III:ii175-176). He swings the opinions of the people by making it seem as if Brutus betrayed Caesar, like he really did.
The speeches often give reasons and logic for the people to trust and honor them.
Brutus wanted it to seem as he was doing what should be done for his empire and not for just himself. He points it out in this quote, "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more." With that being said he makes it as he had to do it for the better of Rome and the people should be honoring him for making that decision. As Antony is still being true about not talking bad about Brutus he even gives him honor at the start of the speech by saying, "He hath brought many captives home to Rome whose ransoms did the general coffers fill." (III:ii:86-87). Even after giving him the credit he continues to get the people to notice that Brutus actually is not as good as he said he was.
Everything that was said by Brutus was completely blown away by what Antony says even though he never said anything bad about Brutus. Brutus and Antony are both very good at ethos, pathos and logos, but with the length and persistence of Antony, he won the crowd. By the end of the speech the people of Rome wanted to kill everyone that was in the conspiracy including