Mark Jacobson is a Professor of Civil and Environmental engineering at Stanford University. Among other degrees he holds a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science. Dr. Jacobson is a proponent of wind energy and outlined many of his claims about the future viability of wind energy in the TedTalk debate with environmentalist Stewart Brand. Dr. Jacobson’s argument in the debate claims that we don’t need to turn to nuclear energy for energy support in this country because wind energy has the potential to meet our energy needs without subjection to the negative environmental impact that nuclear technology imposes. It is clear that he feels very passionate about his claim to the extent that, I believe, he over-simplifies …show more content…
the carbon footprint data in an attempt to dramatize how much better wind energy technology is compared to nuclear technology. His claim can be seen at the 11:45 time stamp of the TedTalk.
When addressing the carbon footprint of wind technology, Dr.
Jacobson states that the only footprint realized consists of the small area of earth that the base of the turbine pole occupies. He calculates that only 1-3 sq/km would be all that is necessary to provide enough energy to power the entire US vehicle fleet (I think he used this analogy because it is more relatable, not necessarily because he thinks the entire country will be driving electric cars). Dr. Jacobson calculated this productivity would require a total of 73,000-145,000 turbines. He clarifies that the spacing between turbines can be used agriculturally, so that area is not computed into the footprint total. Dr. Jacobson neglects, however, to address other aspects of making wind technology feasible for widespread use in the country that would clearly have an impact on the collective carbon …show more content…
Two of the biggest obstacles in the use of wind power are the ability to transmit the energy over long distances to reach populated areas and the need for batteries to store generated energy.
The most productive wind generating locations in the US is remote. The infrastructure of current transmission lines across the country is too small to carry the energy load that would supply necessary energy levels. A major investment to increase power grids and transmission lines would certainly add to the “where the pole touches the ground” carbon footprint claim Dr. Jacobson made. A link to a NY Times article outlining the grid complications can be accessed at Furthermore, since wind is unpredictable in inconstant, energy must be stored to provide electricity when the wind isn’t blowing. The extensive use of lead-acid batteries is required as a critical feature in the success of using wind technology as an energy source. Researchers are developing grid-scale storage batteries, but the fossil fuel required to build these technologies could negate some of the environmental benefits of new solar and wind farms, say Stanford scientists (The Information Company Pvt. Ltd). All batteries have a limited lifespan, so they must be disposed of and replaced. This factor also increases the carbon footprint calculation that could have been mentioned in the
While researching wind energy, it became more evident to me that there is greater potential for mass electricity production than I had ever considered before. Although Dr. Jacobson’s presentation may not have been entirely accurate in his representation of the carbon footprint required, there are obvious benefits to investing in the development of wind technology. There are still questions that to be considered. Would more noise from the turbines have any impact on wildlife? Would concentrations of turbines in specific locations make energy availability more susceptible to natural disasters or terrorist attacks? Are the turbines placed in oceans not vulnerable to destruction from hurricanes and high seas? What rights to individual states have in permitting land use for the turbines?
Sources Cited:
The Information Company Pvt. Ltd., . "Scientists Calculate Carbon Footprint of Grid- Scale Battery Technologies." Domain-B. 12 Mar 2013: n. page. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.
Wald, Matthew. "Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid 's Limits." New York Times. 26 Aug 2008: n. page. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. .