Stabilizing climate is a growing concern, many are now looking at renewable energy to fix it. Wind energy is one of the centerpieces when looking at ways to harness renewable energy. Thus being said, wind energy is so dominating because it is abundant, low in cost, widely distributed, and can be developed quickly. Living in Florida, we are one of the top users in electricity, due to hot summers, keeping plants and grass green and so much more. I know some some do not see this as a problem, but what are we to do when oil wells and coal run out? This is why it is important to look at renewable energy such as, wind energy. Wind energy is a resource we can never run out of. A study at Stanford University found that if we were to harness one fifth of the earth’s available wind energy we could produce seven time as much electricity needed to run the world today. Not only that, but when …show more content…
Some are concerned about the visual effect it has on farms while others are all for the idea due to the money in royalties they receive for having wind farms and turbines on their land. Turbines take up around one percent of farmer’s land which allows farmers to still go about harvesting crops and ranching. Then some question, is it realistic to believe that one-day wind energy could run our cities, schools, and farms? Based on my experiences, I believe that we could run fully of of wind energy. I already saw so many advances within the past few years such as equipment and placement of wind turbines, that with a few more years we could completely run off of wind. This relates to many of the other reading such as Diamonds because the other reading describes some of the effects that are happening around the world, such as, climate conditions and lack of harvestable soil and wind energy can help solve those