Birmingham Business School
Student ID Number: 1341398, 1432800, 1457251, 1407286, 1505093, 1371690
Programme of Study: MSc International Business
Module: Country Manager
Assignment Title: Market Entry & Regional Development Plan
Date and Time of Submission: 04/03/2015
In the business simulation, our toothpaste company will decide which South American countries we are going to enter. In order to make the right decision and use good business strategies, our first step is to analyze the country background, different business ratios and compare them with each other from the spreadsheet. There are four criteria including demand, supply, competition and other. We put different weights on those factors based on the importance and calculate them altogether. Following are the elements we choose and the reasons why we pick and weight them.
Demand Criteria
Population, GDP/Capita, CPI, manufacturing sales and retail sales are the factors which affecting the market demand. Through by the population, GDP/Capita and CPI, we can understand the economic growth then find the prospective market to be entered first as Mexico. Population will affect market demand, because of large number of residents; there will be a large demand for goods in the area and vice versa. A large number of total populations will become a potential market even in the slow-growth population. If GDP/Capita is going high, it is possible that the demand is going high too. Moreover, we can determine the purchasing power consumers in the region by income/revenue. A higher real income is higher purchasing power. Mexico has become the thirdly highest country on GDP/Capita when compared to the others, which has $15,300. Besides, a good position on GDP/Capita, manufacturing sales and retail sales, which are, have 7 points for all of them rating. Manufacturing sales and retail sales are the most important factors to be considered while choosing the market, which