Determine the direct impact of marketing for the health care provider you selected. Midland Association for Retarded Citizens (MARC) consumers/clients need considerably more care, requires twenty-four hour supervision by a licensed nurse, CPR certified direct staff and often suffers serious health problems. The residents HCS of MARC requires help with very simple tasks such as; walking, eating, and taking medications. But the ICF of MARC residents are more self -sufficient. Countless numbers of facilities require a lot of individual attention must share rooms and their privacy is limited. A majority of the patients are born with the disabilities and spending time rehabilitating, preparing clients to be self- sufficient to live their own. The direct impact of marketing for MARC would be brochures, traditional marketing and online marketing. These marketing strategies execute branding and advertising tactics in hopes that MARC would gain first choice among current future residents. Marketing is necessary in the face of competition, and is also geared to educate the patient of the quality of services rendered. Outline a strategy for the health care provider you selected to determine the utilization of its products or services.
There are a number of characteristics of MARC such as the number of beds, types of ownership and one of the characteristics depend on the willingness that whether MARC wants to participate in Medicare or in Medicaid or in both. However, health care services, just like MARC have some characteristics that greatly affect the design of marketing programs for them, which are intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability.
Intangibility is when physical products, services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought. To reduce that uncertainty, owners for the facility care will need to look for evidence of quality by drawing
References: www.marcinc-tx.org Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases William H. Shaw 2010 Custom Edition www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/sbs01 http://www.grouphomeguidebook.com/