The analysis of market environment for Budweiser has gone through many phases over the years. Anheuser-Busch may have floundered early but with the company 's use of technology with the launch of the first fleet of refrigerated rail cars and the use of pasteurization to ensure freshness, Anheuser-Busch has positioned itself to become the leading brewery in the world and Budweiser outselling all other beers combined. Most of Anheuser-Busch 's political and legal marketing issues can be directly linked to the cultural and social climate in the market at a particular time. For example, during prohibition, Anheuser-Busch diversified in areas of corn products, baker 's yeast, ice cream, soft drinks, and refrigeration units. Today most of these issues are still closely related, for instance the political and legal problems dealing with underage drinking and driving under the influence related deaths and costs. Anheuser-Busch has combated these issues
The analysis of market environment for Budweiser has gone through many phases over the years. Anheuser-Busch may have floundered early but with the company 's use of technology with the launch of the first fleet of refrigerated rail cars and the use of pasteurization to ensure freshness, Anheuser-Busch has positioned itself to become the leading brewery in the world and Budweiser outselling all other beers combined. Most of Anheuser-Busch 's political and legal marketing issues can be directly linked to the cultural and social climate in the market at a particular time. For example, during prohibition, Anheuser-Busch diversified in areas of corn products, baker 's yeast, ice cream, soft drinks, and refrigeration units. Today most of these issues are still closely related, for instance the political and legal problems dealing with underage drinking and driving under the influence related deaths and costs. Anheuser-Busch has combated these issues